Learn the 12 essential competencies from the Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence (EI) Model:
Learn the 12 essential competencies from the Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence (EI) Model:
Learn the 12 Foundational and Relational skills in Dr. Goleman’s flagship training for developing and deepening emotional intelligence.
This course will be delivered in English.
Aprenda las 12 competencias Fundamentales y Relacionales en el entrenamiento insignia del Dr. Goleman para desarrollar y profundizar la inteligencia emocional.
Este curso se impartirá en español.
Learn the 12 Foundational and Relational skills in Dr. Goleman’s flagship EI training + earn 40 continuing education or professional development credits from the ICF and SHRM.
This course will be delivered in English.
Aprenda las 12 competencias Fundamentales y Relacionales en el entrenamiento insignia del Dr. Goleman y obtén 40 unidades de formación continua acreditadas o desarrollo profesional por la ICF y SHRM.
Este curso se impartirá en español.
This is the only emotional intelligence training affiliated with Daniel Goleman, created in direct collaboration with him, and founded on his model of the Emotional and Social Leadership Competency.
We combine guided facilitation, evidence-based knowledge of what drives behavioral change, and practical experiences that build impactful EI skills.
We love supporting learners all over the world in developing EI and transforming emotional habits.
This course was the best gift I could ever give myself!! I am a business owner and on a very busy schedule. I am the type of person who finds it hard to be vulnerable, and I can sometimes lack empathy for myself and others. I have worked really hard on putting what we are learning about emotional intelligence into practice.
Since the second week of the course, I have really felt a shift in my life and have been getting positive feedback from the people closest to me, including my husband, my daughter, and my management team. They all noticed a positive change in the way I communicated, engaged, and connected with them. I’m still learning, and it’s not always easy, but I am committed to continue practicing. Thank you for your support, this course has done so much more than I thought it would ever do!